new RCL...?
2024-12-31 * unrooted
as many might have noticed, there has been a number of small changes to our org, especially within the last month of the year
The year 2024 was crazy for all of us at RCL, and we’re sorry that we didn’t release anything major this year. Good news is - we’ve all managed to push forward.
We had to make some minor improvements here and there. We’re a group of 4 people, and calling us mere ‚cybersec enthusiasts’ would be a major misunderstatement. Hence, we want to make RCL look more professional, even tho we’re not technically a ‚company’. Here’s the first ‚community update’, as some may call it
As some of you might have noticed, we’ve changed the design and URL of our blog, the one you’re reading this blogpost on. The new website is simpler - quick intro, most starred projects on Github, alongside new blogpost view. We’ve also finally got ‚verified’ badge on Github, which is not that big of a deal, however, we suppose it looks cool and makes us look more legitimate.
We’ve updated the color scheme that we use a bit. We’ve also simplified our logo - now it’s just a big ass red asterisk, however, with different font. The logo now uses IBM Plex Mono, the same font you can see on our website. The new logo/logotype/color scheme has been applied to our new website, as well as our social media profiles a while ago. The new logo is less complex (straight walls of the asterisk), and the new background color is not pitch black, so it’s easier for the eye (according to color theory or other kind of fancy scientifically proven way).
We’re also looking forward into unifying our naming standard for our projects, however, it’s still a long way to go, given that some changes might impact things we don’t have full control of, such example would be Coldfire
, which is a golang package, changing it’s name might break something for someone, the same case being easyWSL
which was released to the Microsoft store.
Last but not least - we now have some proper custom made tshirts and stickers, so it’s easier to spot us on some events. If you want a sticker, just say hi, if we have some spare ones - we’ll gladly share them.
We’ve aggregated quite a bit of those, sadly, many of which are related to bugs in our software. Please keep in mind, that sometimes it can be hard to recreate some of your issues. However, we’ve improved (we think) the way you can make new issues on all of our repos. We’ve introduced that special git repo called literally ‚.github’, where we have templates for creating new issues - for now, that is for bug reports, as well as features requests.
We’ve also added a little contributing guide, which is also linked when you’re creating new issue. It’s not much, but given the nature of our organization and how we work - we think it makes some sense, but tl;dr - all contributions of all sorts are welcome. In case you find any kind of security issue in our software (the best example being easyWSL
once again), please reach out to us via email, rather than create new GitHub issue.
We’re still discussing the idea of introducing little ‚rewards’ for contributions, so stay tuned.
Some minor issues were closed a while ago. To make our plans for some of our software more clear for the community, we’ve opened some Github ‚issues’ here and there for that. This mostly includes feature enhancements. We’re working on major update in at least one of our software, as well as ‚new’ tool release for the year 2025. Even tho the community around us is small, we love you all - we’re all ears when it comes to new ideas.
As mentioned before - we’re not merely passionate about the world of cybersecurity. Privacy/opsec is also in our line of interest. We plan to release some small blogposts about general security/privacy topics this year. Keep in mind that we’re not any kind of messiahs and we still have a lot to learn. This year has been quite exhausting on that matter (as in: personal growth, expanding our knowledge), but we want to share some of our tips and thoughts with you soon.
Once again, we’re sorry for the bit of silence from our end. We hope that we’ve improved ourselves to make us look more legitimate and professional. Our mission remains the same - to have some fun, learn and develop new tools or develop improvements to already exisiting ones.
We still work on private enquiries, if you want to discuss something, you have tool request or anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email:
If you just want to chat with us - you're welcome to join our Discord server HERE
In the meantime, stay tuned and we wish you Happy New Year. We love you all, keep on being awesome.
*RCL Team